Where can you find us?

Contact persons

Ing. Michal Kahánek
Product information,
preparation of quotations,
technical support
Tel.: +420 597 407 324
Cell: +420 602 293 872
[email protected]

Stanislav Debnár
Preparation of quotations,
project quotations
Tel.: +420 597 407 327
Cell: +420 605 707 188
[email protected]
Josef Ecler

Processing of quotations
(Prague branch)
Tel.: +420 224 914 608
Cell: +420 721 007 939
[email protected]

Bc. Michaela Honajzrová
Order processing,
information on delivery dates
Tel.: +420 597 407 320
[email protected]


Ing. František Honajzer
Preparation of quotations,
technical support
Tel.: +420 597 407 342
Cell: +420 724 264 170
[email protected]

Ing. Miroslav Dorko
Processing of quotations
(Prague branch)
Tel.: +420 224 914 608
Cell: +420 724 024 937
[email protected]

Bc. Ondřej Holisz
Order processing,
information on delivery dates
Tel.: +420 597 407 320
Cell: +420 736 514 989
[email protected]

Martin Löw
Claims, service
Tel.: +420 597 407 337
Cell: +420 602 293 516
[email protected]

Legal information


Hasičská 53,
700 30 Ostrava – Hrabůvka

File mark:

The company is registered in the Commercial Register maintained by
Regional Court in Ostrava, Section B, Insert 2179

Bank connection:

Currency CZK Česká spořitelna a.s.,č.ú. 4041192/0800
Currency EUR Česká spořitelna a.s.,č.ú. 4047682/0800

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